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Cool Hand

A few problems from a new player

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So far I like this game, but there are things that really really bother me and often leave nothing but frustration. I would like to know if those are common problems, if they are normal or if I am one of the few unlucky people who have them for whatever reason.

  • Every time when I switch from my sniper scope to normal view and vice versa or when I turn around quickly, the textures and models are always very low detail for a split second or so. It gets worse and worse the longer the game is (for example a game of Domination). After a few hours its that bad that sometimes textures and models will switch to the normal detailed version only after 5-10 seconds. Its really bad when I want to kill tanks and cant see if they have been destroyed already because the texture and model take so long to switch to the detailed one. Sometimes they dont switch at all and I have to zoom in to make them switch and see if its a destroyed tank or if its still alive...
    Also when I fly around in a helicopter I see the textures of the houses flash white for a split second.
    My system is pretty decent (GTX 260 overclocked, E8400 @ 4 GHz, 4 GB, 640 GB Caviar Black). So is this normal? If not, whats the cause of this? Is my video memory too low? My HDD too slow?
  • When I play the game for a long time (again Domination for example), ArmA 2 gets extremely slow after a few hours. Last time it even corrupted my graphics. I tried the flush, the corruptions were gone, but it was still as slow and then did a CTD shortly after.
    Whats causing this?
  • I get 2 weird stutterings. The first one is very noticeable when driving a vehicle. The screen jumps a bit all the time, as if its warping for a few centimeters or the vehicles is driving slow and the next second very fast.
    The other one is more like a jerking in the mouse control. When I slowly move my mouse all is pretty smooth, but if I do a quicker moves, its starts to skip whole segments of the screen. Like mouse acceleration, but worse. How to fix those?
  • Very often in multiplayer the players and AIs jump around. Sometimes its only very minor, and sometimes its really bad. As if they all have a bad connection. So for example, I want to kill that AI, that is moving in zigzags on that open field, but I cant even target him. Not because of the zigzags, but because he warps around a lot, so that he vanishes out of my crosshair all the time. Same with moving vehicles. Is that a netcode problem? Is the server too slow?

Thanks in advance!

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1. I think most people have this problem, as it unloads textures you're not seeing so you can actually aim thru the scope; otherwise you'd probably be getting 10FPS. Then when you flip around real fast it has to load all those textures again. The reason it takes longer and longer the more you play is because your vid memory is getting filled up and it has to swap info from your VRAM/page file (which is considerably slower since it's on your hard drive). Now this is just my "theory"...maybe someone with more technical know-how can explain it better

2. Same as above, the longer you play the more memory gets used. When it's full/near full it has to unload the old stuff and load the new yada yada yada

3.not really sure...I've never seen that problem

4. I think you're talking about warping. Again, I think most people have this; but how bad is probably more dependent on the server and players connections. I know the server I play on it vary rarely happens; and if it does it's usually only AI that's waaaayyy off in the distance that I probably couldn't hit w/o an M-107 lol

Edited by No Use For A Name

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Oh well, that doesnt sound very good.

Why didnt they write it in 64 bit, so the application could use more physical memory?

So, when I would use a SSD and my video card would have 2 GB, it wouldnt be so bad?

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it: Problems number 1 & 2 get far worse the more I switch tasks. For example when I talk to my friend over an IM while playing and so have to switch quite often, the game slows down to a crawl after only 30 mins or so.

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Problems reported are due to cpu-performance and connection lag.

I do only meet them one time in two hours multiplayer gameplay.

If it slows down after some time - that's normally the mission itself, allowing too many units for all.

I once tried to use skype during gameplay - for it needs a lot bandwith game showed that lag you report.


Arma 2 is very cpu demanding - this for good reason and not because of a non-optimized engine.

But it's really strange that Intel cpu have so much problems as you can read in this forum.

Sorry to have to say so.

For I don't wanna waste your thread with a cpu-war, all that are interested click instead here.


Your card is much better than mine - I have no issues I would ever mention.

So this will not be the bottleneck.

Sure you should install the newest driver .... from just a week ago.

It is said he increases performance nevertheless and sure erases some bugs. -> nvidia.com

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another problem is the map Domination. There is a lot going on there and it can cause issues. Do you experience the same issues in the armory, or some other low demand mission?

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