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After waiting a bit for updates thinking of getting ArmA2 but a ? first

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I want to dl the demo to see if what I remember it being is correct, but it got me thinking. If the demo is as bad as the game was when it launched and it hasnt been updated why would I do that? I guess Ill just buy the game cause ive been reading the game has been improved I just wish the demo was an accurate example of the NEW game. I played OP:DR and while I didnt hate it, I didnt think it was great either, w the online being very sub par, which w this type of game really hurts. Anyway should I just buy the game or try the demo again. AND if I dl the demo what has changed since.

Come to think of it wouldnt it help the game alot if they updated the demo too, I mean people are curious about the game and I think it would be good for the demo to be as accurate as possible. Thanks

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The demo is based on version 1.02 of Arma2, which is quite a different beast than what it was at release. Afaik it hasn't been updated after that, so while it should be fairly stable and finished the current version of the game, 1.04, is even more so.

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Lol-well you seem like an amiable chap and I think you'll like Arma2 just for it's sheer vastness of things to do. So many different Missions, mods and Islands being made by the community that sometimes I feel like I'm playing entirely different games.

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