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Troubling with creating a Holding Force,

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Troubling with creating a Holding Force,

Hello, I'm having trouble create a Holding Force, the holding force is a group of soldiers that suppose from a distance to fire on enemy and give suppression fire.

Now I have tried many scripts non of them is working:

1. disableAI "Move" - this is very good to hold the soldiers in place, but the units cannot rotate, so their fire support is limited.

2. doStop, commandStop - this will not hold the group in place, they still move when they see enemy.

3. stop - this command stop the unit from doing anything including engaging the enemy.

4. forceSpeed 0 - not working. even with combination with dostop.

now, you must understand that those commands work well with a single unit but all the problem when you use a group.

I have a script that is activated when a group reach a waypoint (but still it's not working):

[leader1] exec "HoldingForce.sqs"

_leader1 = _this select 0
_leader1 setFormation "LINE"
_leader1 setSpeedMode "FULL";
;;wait for the group to be ready in formation 
{_x forcespeed 0; dostop _x; _x setUnitPos "DOWN"; _x setskill ["spotDistance",1]; _x setskill ["spotTime",1]; int1=int1+1;} forEach units group _leader1
;;just let me know about the script.
hint format["%1 Units are ready for suppresion.",int1]
_leader1 setBehaviour "COMBAT"
_leader1 setCombatMode "RED"

please help.:confused: thank you.

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I answered this on OFPEC already for you, but just for the record in case anyone else has this question you need to do two things:

1. When you create the units make sure Special: is set to "None" and not "In Formation". The later will always assemble your units into formation regardless of where they where placed and what options where used.

2. Set "this forceSpeed 0" on a unit you want to not move (but still be able to rotate). This is as opposed to setting disableAI "MOVE" which will also make a unit stick to one position but will remove their ability to rotate.

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you can see that I have used that and it's not working.:confused:

it's working only on a single unit, try this on a group and you will see that they are moving!

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