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Bullet impact improvement.

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Wondering if anyone is working on or if there is a mod to improve the visual effects of bullet impacts.

Right now firing into the dirt or water is more like an Airsoft impact rather than a high velocity projectile , which should kick up dirt and sod at least 2 - 3 feet and water > 4 feet.

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You would have to tweak the HitEffects class if you are not happy with the ingame ones. All particle effects ingame are designed for max FPS less for looks.

class HitEffects {

Hit_Foliage = "ImpactLeaves";

Hit_Glass = "ImpactGlass";

Hit_Glass_Thin = "ImpactGlassThin";

Hit_Wood = "ImpactWood";

Hit_Metal = "ImpactMetal";

Hit_Plaster = "ImpactPlaster";

Hit_Rubber = "ImpactRubber";

Hit_Concrete = "ImpactConcrete";

Hit_Blood = "ImpactBlood";


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