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alternate init activation

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at the moment i have this is some of my vehicles init line:

crewcheck2 = this addeventhandler ["getin",{_this execvm 'crewcheck.sqf'}]; vehsitrep2 = [this] execvm "crewsitrep.sqf";

i want to put it into this: (veh respawn)

veh = [this, 1, 1, 5, TRUE, FALSE, "this execVM YOUR SCRIPT HERE"] execVM "vehicle.sqf"  

so it re spawns with its init line each time.

now i cant do this:

veh = [this, 1, 1, 5, TRUE, FALSE, "trewcheck2 = this addeventhandler ["getin",{_this execvm 'crewcheck.sqf'}]; vehsitrep2 = [this] execvm "crewsitrep.sqf""] execVM "vehicle.sqf"  

as it just says

; missing!

so how can i get round this?

i tried to make a sqf file called vehscriptinit.sqf and put this in:

crewcheck2 = this addeventhandler ["getin",{_this execvm 'crewcheck.sqf'}];
vehsitrep2 = [this] execvm "crewsitrep.sqf";

but it doesent work, so, is this possible?

and what does my 'vehscriptinit.sqf' need to contain?

does it need unit = this or anything?

TIA, Grim.

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veh = [this, 1, 1, 5, TRUE, FALSE, "trewcheck2 = this addeventhandler ['getin',{_this execvm 'crewcheck.sqf'}]; vehsitrep2 = [this] execvm 'crewsitrep.sqf'"] execVM "vehicle.sqf";

You had some missing double quotes within the init field so I changed them to single quotes.

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No idea if it works even with right syntax, but at least you could try by fixing the init string.

Any " marks inside a string need another mark. So, instead of trying this:

"trewcheck2 = this addeventhandler ["getin",{_this execvm 'crewcheck.sqf'}]; vehsitrep2 = [this] execvm "crewsitrep.sqf""

Try this:

"trewcheck2 = this addeventhandler [""getin"",{_this execvm 'crewcheck.sqf'}]; vehsitrep2 = [this] execvm ""crewsitrep.sqf"""

Doesn't matter if you use a '" or "", but you need to do it for strings inside strings.

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