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Checking an array for alive units.

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Im making a very basic mine generation script.

All i need at the moment is how to get an array with units that are alive in sqs.

So far I have the following:

_deadmen = nearestObjects [(getmarkerpos "mine"), ["land"], 150];

this provides me with an array of units closest to the markerpos BUT also includes all dead units.

if i do the following it gives me a count of units alive in the array but not in array form.

_alivemen= {alive _x} count _deadmen

I need to enter an alive condition into the following:

_deadmen = nearestObjects [(getmarkerpos "mine"), ["land"], 150];

OR translate the following into an array:

_alivemen= {alive _x} count _deadmen

can anyone help me? thanks

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_alivemen = [];

{ if (alive _x) then { _alivemen = _alivemen+[_x] }; } forEach _deadmen;

Then again that's sqf... Leave sqs, stop dressing up a dead horse and make it dance by attaching strings to it, blargh!

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Lol would take me ages to learn sqf now... took me two bloody years almost to get to grips with sqs lol.

Anyway I got a translation into sqs:

{if ("land" counttype [_x] > 0) then {_victims = _victims + [_x]}} forEach (list _trig)

so with what you've posted there and the above I am pretty sure I can do what I intended now. Thanks man :)

Edit: Having said that are there any great tuts for sqf?

Edited by Rejenorst

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