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Name of locations in map

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Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to get the names of the locations in Chernarus. I haven't found anything yet searching through the forums and I might not be understanding the wiki correctly. I've tried the following:

_nearestCity = nearestLocation [getPos player, "NameVillage"];
hint format["Distance to %1 of type %2: %3", name _nearestCity, type _nearestCity, Player distance locationPosition _nearestCity];

It gives me the info on the nearest location to the player of type "NameVillage". It gives me a correct distance and type, but the name of the location stays empty but gives no error! As the wiki says, each location has several variables, and one of them is "name". Why is it not showing? Am I forgetting to initialize something before or what am I doing wrong?

Functions Module is in the map and initialised...


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Use text _nearestCity instead of name _nearestCity.


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