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Russian Tunguska Wont Reload

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As the title suggests i recently noticed the tungusta wont load up another magazine once the first is depleated.

However it does show that the magazine is there it is just displayed in red

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More intel plz, dont really get what you want!

witch round dont he fire off, what weapon do u use, is there crew in the vehicle,and you need to wait a bit 5/15 sec for ammo to reload.

was it in editor,mission or campain?


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I was loading in extra magazine's so that i could have the tunguska firing for an exteded period for ambiance in my mission.

By adding 5 or so 1904Rnd_30mmAA_2A38M


this addmagazine "1904Rnd_30mmAA_2A38M"

but ive now gone for using a shilka instead as you can readlod magazines with that.

im not sure if you have the same problem if you try to reload the tunguska with a ammo truck ill have to cheak that out.

if not i supose its nothing to worry about especialy since a tunguska can fire in neer contantly for 15 minuits

As for the reloading time i must of wated for about a minuit and nothing happend

Edited by AndyMcNoob

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