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object ID numbers query

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In the editor, your able to display object ID numbers on the terrain map. How do you reference them in script to see what objects they are, and use them for thing such as waypoints etc).

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Thanks - I also tried which worked.

myIDobject = getPos Player nearestObject 123456;
hint str(myIDobject)

I wish to use these object ID's as Waypoint destinations. Would they still work if they were destroyed?

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That's basically the same thing just uses the player.

You might want to grab all the locations in the missions init.sqf so you have them stored.

How exactly are you using these waypoints? Would markers, even hidden ones, work better? So at least the mission designer could easily see the flow of waypoints?

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Where would I find this sqf file? I looked in the install directory and user missions, but its not there.

I'm using invisible markers atm, but I like to keep them to a minimum for a background mod I'm working on. What I'm doing is running a bus from one bus stop to another. So each time the script is called, the range of stops would be addressed again. What happens if the bus stops are destroyed? Would addWaypoint still find the object even if its destroyed.

EDIT: Actually, I did test if a destroyed object is located by placing a sleep command before the script addresses it. It was found. But what happens to the bus stop wreck? Is it recontructed? Removed from the game? Would the addWaypont still find it

Edited by Spudgunner
to edit ;)

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