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Skyline On Fire

Hey guys im new... completely new.

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get your patches here at armaholic:


installing addons and mods:


Thanks so much for these. Should i patch it as soon as i get it? If so, do i have to download and install each patch in a row, or can i just get the latest, and that will cover all the others?

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Thanks so much for these. Should i patch it as soon as i get it? If so, do i have to download and install each patch in a row, or can i just get the latest, and that will cover all the others?

The latest 1.04 will do, it covers from 1.0 to 1.03.

And welcome to the community :wave:

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Thanks :) the game is installing now, went and got a hard copy from GAME. I was pleasantly surprised to see quite a big display area in the PC section just for ARMA 2, its apparently sold a lot more than i thought it had, really pleased it has. If anyone deserves good sales its Bohemia if you ask me.

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Sorry to hear people don't like Steam, but I have a huge list of games on Steam that are not Valve based and they work just fine. Personally, I hate having to put in a CD/DVD every time I want to play a game... :( I will say you'll probably find it for cheaper on hard media.

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Thanks :) the game is installing now, went and got a hard copy from GAME. I was pleasantly surprised to see quite a big display area in the PC section just for ARMA 2, its apparently sold a lot more than i thought it had, really pleased it has. If anyone deserves good sales its Bohemia if you ask me.

Nice One!

Have fun with the best realism shooter since OFP.

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Sorry to hear people don't like Steam, but I have a huge list of games on Steam that are not Valve based and they work just fine. Personally, I hate having to put in a CD/DVD every time I want to play a game... :( I will say you'll probably find it for cheaper on hard media.

I agree 100% I have about 30 something games only about 10 are valve and the rest aren't. No problems here.

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I guess my only issue with steam is the fact it seems like your paying more, for less "stuff" i mean you get the game wether you buy a hardcopy or a download, but charging far more for the downloadable version, which comes without manuals, case, dvd etc... Just seems a bit silly. Its easier than going to the shop though i guess.

Installed it a few hours ago, patched it up, been playing ever since, its just sublime. Everything i wanted upgraded from the original flashpoints. Its just a damn shame dragon rising is turning out like it is.....

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Its just a damn shame dragon rising is turning out like it is

whats the shame about?

OFP2 for CM is almost the ame game as OFP and ARMA, 2, im getting it, i like em all. I still play OFP, ARMA, and ARma 2.

we need more games like OFP and arma, theres to many run an gun linear kiddie games out there.

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Not sure if you've been keeping up with the news on OPFDR... Its not a flashpoint game, its not a simulation, its just.... Bad. Take a look at their official forums, look at how much has been dropped, how much has changed, how dumbed down it is. Its nothing like ARMA2, nothing like the original OPF games, its not the same people making it so it wouldnt be anyway. The game looks terrible in the state it is right now. Battlefield Bad Company is what it looks like to me, just bad.

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 PM ----------

I quote Undeceived

Some rough content summary:

- Right at the beginning one editor to the other: "The most important question: Is this still a Operation Flashpoint?" His answer: "If we had a camera here, one could see my tears - It is... not an Operation Flashpoint."

- It's not a military simulation but a normal tactical shooter

- It's quite solid, not so many bugs

- One can play the SP-campaign through smoothly, in the opinion of the editor "too smoothly"

- There are AI blackouts, they mention pathfinding while driving and sometimes AI enemies don't recognize the player

- Physics of the vehicles are "inappropriate" or "unsuitable" (an example: A vehicle drives over a stone, flys meters high, turns over, explodes, everyone's dead [eehm... Where do I know that from?? ])

- Combat situations are excellent and tenseful - one can be "pinned down" (supressing fire)

- A disadvantage (especially when you're under suppressing fire): Most of the missions have a time limit

- The editors speak, what the fans of OFP1 think: "You order a steak and receive Strogonoff" - they refer to what was announced (or expected) and what the game is now

- The order-menu is very simple - in the opinion of the editor too simple, while unnecessary commands like ordering artillery are too complex

- Other than that there are some things that are not well thought out with the order-menu. For example after have given an order, the menu doesn't close automatically, so if you want to move forwards and press the forward key, thereby you give a new order... [not soo bad in my opinion]

- The game looks good, the level of detail however (for example at the vehicles) doesn't overcome Arma 2

- Other than that the soldiers move like they "swallowed a besom" (rigid animations)

That's it, gentlemen. What we new for months, now slowly becomes oficial.

Link to thread and page - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85107&page=305

And thats not some beta code they were playing, its the gold code....

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