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help with 64bit vista & windows7

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first my specs

amd phenom 2x4 940 3.01 ghz

8 gigs ram

evga gforce gtx 260

sondblaster xfi titanium fatality 1 champion

asus m3a32-mpv deluxe mob

os-xp32bit-vista64bit-windows764bit{all on diferent hard drives}

heres my problem

xp 32bit runs fine

vista 64 & windows7 64 the game looks like it running in gray scale or like safe mode.everyting is blocky and allmost no coolor.

all drivers up to date

now on a similer pc with windows 7 32 bit runs fine

is there a problem with 64bit os?

can anybody help/thanks

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Please learn to read the rest of the troubleshooting.

To your commandline add -winxp

This will allow you to use that 8gig RAM. It's a known problem.

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Right click on your Arma2 shortcut and select 'Properties'. In the box 'Target' you will see the path to the executable eg. "F:\ARMA2\Bohemia Interactive\arma2.exe". Just type a single space and then -winxp after the closed quote - so, on my machine:

"F:\ARMA2\Bohemia Interactive\arma2.exe" -winxp

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thanks i must have misit on my first read, they realy should fi this in the net patch

thanks again!!!!!

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MANY MANY of us have the same problem.

but also, this fix works, and for me, it works better than the -winxp command

Use nvidia drivers 181.71 (for Win 7 64bit) and then DONT use the -winxp command

I get much better framerates this way

(181.71 are the newest drivers that do not give me the flashing texture problem)

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