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when my men have cleared all enemies, i want mission to end and say well done. but if the enemy kill all my men I want it to say You loose.

how to do this? thanks

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Searching is always a good first step. Your question has been asked and answered dozens of times already.

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i spent 5 min searching, i cant find the answer to my specific question. the guide is useless and doesnt tell me..

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Read the part about Ending in briefing.html. copy the simple example.

Change for instance End1 and End2 parts of it to your liking.

trigger 1:

size huge

OPFOR - NOT Present

cond: this

on act: endmission "End1"

trigger 2:

cond: {!alive _x} count units my_group < 1

onact: endmission "End2"

give your team init: my_group = group this

that help?

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yep, great job thanks.

right, so i've got a trigger. when my tanks move into a area, my extraction heli comes and lands and turns engine off ready for extraction. my squad is holding an area for the enemies ahead (but by the time the extraction chopper gets here, all enemies are gone).

I want my squad to get into the extraction chopper, once the enemies have been cleared I want them to STOP holding, and get in the extraction chopper.

how do I do this, thanks?

in short, my extraction chopper lands, and my guys are still holding, I want them to stop holding when the chopper arrives and then make my guys get in :)


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No, this guide isn't at all useless for you, and if you had read it carefully, you would have noticed the trigger type "switch", which allows you to cancel the hold waypoint.

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thanks, right synced it up and it#s now changing to get in. but the guy goes away to where the chopper starts off, not where it lands. any idea what I can do?

basically, after it changes from hold to get in, the team leader runs off to where the chopper WAS where the waypoint to get in was.

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thanks, right synced it up and it#s now changing to get in. but the guy goes away to where the chopper starts off, not where it lands. any idea what I can do?

basically, after it changes from hold to get in, the team leader runs off to where the chopper WAS where the waypoint to get in was.

Put a "move" waypoint for the helicopter, anywhere you want (near the extraction point for example), synchronized (F5) with the switch trigger. Then a "load" waypoint for the helo, synchronized (F5) with the "getin" waypoint of the squad.

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Then a "load" waypoint for the helo, synchronized (F5) with the "getin" waypoint of the squad.

cant sync those together :o

Edited by Relemar

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You should be able to, make sure you're dragging from the waypoint to waypoint and not waypoint to vehicle or something.

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I'm definitely doing it right, its not letting me... dunno..

isnt there a heli extraction script? i have made a mission, now just waiting for the extraction so if you could make me something then|I would appreciate it a lot.

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