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Razer Two

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I'm on this mission, and I already spent a lot of time with my squad on those nice motorcycles at the camp you start out at. I visited Cpt. Dressler and the CDK liaison and the visited the closet spot marked on the map, the one with the small marine squad at it.

During all of this one of the AI wrecked his bike so we're down to 1 bike. I called in the chopper but it crashed trying to land...

I reverted to a previous save and decided to NOT call in the chopper and instead sent a man back to base to grab a HMMMV so we can all travel, he came back and we headed to another spot to look...

Here is where my problem is

Due to the travel times...While I was staring at the map and letting the AI drive the HMMMV to the next spot to search, we got an incoming message that the dude we're searching for was spotted and before I could lower the time to 1x from 4x, some of the messages had timed out on the screen and I've not got no clue where I'm supposed to go to find this guy.

The message said I have 20 minutes...so I'm thinking of reverting to a previous save, or just letting him get away

What happens if he gets away?

Is there any way to view these radio transmissions after they fall off the screen?

I know he's in a hatchback driving north, but no idea from where!

Any help is appreciated, thanks!:yay:

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If you fail to get to him the mission will end and you'll move on to the next one. This is what happened to me, i didn't bother trying again because I prefer to go with the flow of the game.

If you miss the intructions that come over the radio go to map, scroll down to 'chat log' and look for it there. Unfortunately, while the radio message will have used a codename, the chat log uses the actual name of the person who spoke to you.

Shaftoe or Dressler are a safe bet but failing that you'll have to look through each name for the chat log that included the intstructions.

Hope this helps

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This helps, but I already tried that, and yes, I even looked at the next page, but didn't see anything regarding the target. I guess I'll move on then. I prefer to fail a mission and move on, then having to repeat it umpteen times

Thank you

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