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Visiontek geforce3 ti200 for sale cheap!

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I'm buying a LeadTek GeForce4 ti4600, but unfortunately those are expensive little buggers, so the gf3 has to go. This card can hit and run completely consistent at classic gf3 speeds, but if you want a rock solid performer at stock speeds,than this is your card too. Please help out a poor guy short on cash biggrin.gif

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I also have the GF4 Ti4600 from ASUS, and i must say DAMN what a beauty of a card. It is superfast and very nice. Although you don't need it, as a GF3 card is also very good. The GF4 may be faster than the GF3, but it isn't noticable yet. If i was you, i woud wait a little longer until they get cheaper. I bought it for 560 euro, so thats about $560. I have no regrets, but there are little games that support the functions on the card. But i can still show off to my friends with my benchmark scores smile.gif .

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