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Conversation/Topic System

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Has anyone got a sample mission or some sample script for a an example of a simple conversation?

I've been trying to get it to work, with a .bikb file but no luck so far. Is there any documentation relating to how FSMs are related to the conversation logic (are they even required?).

All I want is 2 additional questions to ask a civilian on top of Weather/Targets/Location and a single response. For some reason, kbAddTopic and kbTell do not do anything when I have tried them!

Have tried everything including extracting the main campaign missions and dissecting them, but there doesn't seem to be any links between the FSMs and bikb data?

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The SP scenarios (not warfare ones) should have the simplest conversations.

Try to check these.

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I just need to know which path to sound files to prescribe .bikb file. My conversations are in the sound folder in a folder with the mission, but if I have to .bikb prescribe:

class Sentences


class m01


text = "$STR_m01";

speech [] = {"\sound\m01.ogg"};

class Arguments {};



then no sound ... Although the text is.

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