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Few questions about mouse sensitivity and shadows

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Understood... Sad.

One more question: when I order team to return to formation, they do it, and space apart with some distance. However, that distance is not always wanted. Sometimes I want soldiers to be in formation, but spaced apart no more than 1m, in other cases - 3m, and so on. As I feel this won't be possible to change during the game, I want to know if it is possible to at least change this distance in the config. I noticed that when I change formation to Column, and behaviour to Stealth, soldiers stay in this formation, but 20m behind me, no matter how slow I move. That's not really good. I want them to be as close as possible. Is it possible?

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In the config file, look for

class Man:Land


class Man: Land

scroll down a bit and you will see



The xxx number is what define the space in formation.

By default in original OFP xxx is 5

In the WW4 mod it is 10.

Note that making formation having a smaller space has some disadvantages :

-a single grenade can kill everyone in the squad

-with a large formation the AI seems to be flanking the attacked position, small formation remove this "the AI is flanking me" illusion.

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Understood. But why sometimes soldiers are in formation, but so far away? From each other, they are spaced ok. But they are away from me about 20m.

Thank you. But is it possible to change spacing for each formation independantly?

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There used to be a custom formation script by general baron on OFPEC, but for some reasons it seems to have disappeared from the editor depot.

Fortunately i found it in my own archives, get it on one of those mirrors :






And read the included readme for instructions.

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Well, thank you, but as I assume, it is only usable in creating missions, not in the official campaings...

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