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Create invisible marker.

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How can I create an invisible marker?

I don't want create a maker that was visible in the map mission nor the brefing map.

I have looked for in the editor but i don't find anithing :(

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I just set the size/area of the marker to 0, but it may get pretty hard to find them back afterwards. :p

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I put this in the init file, as the first entry in that file, to maker markers invisible on the map:

"markername" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "markername" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "markername" select 1)];

I use this hide the markers I've put down when using the UPS script. Otherwise if I need a marker for waypoints etc I would use an empty marker (as they are invisible on the map in game) with axis a and b set to 0 , so as to keep the editor map cleaner and put the name in the text box as well so I can find it again later :)

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"markerName" setMarkerAlpha 0

Then just change it 1 to show it.

Edit: To make sure they aren't shown in briefing, run that command from any units init field, since they are processed before init.sqf and briefing.

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The default marker you place in the mission editor is of the type 'empty', which is invisible everywhere except the mission editor.

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"markerName" setMarkerAlpha 0

Then just change it 1 to show it.

Edit: To make sure they aren't shown in briefing, run that command from any units init field, since they are processed before init.sqf and briefing.

I think that this is the better.

I need an AREA marker, not an icon marker like "invisible".

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Same as NeV3rKilL, my markers are ellipses and rectangles, for areas used in UrbanPatrolScript. I can seem to only get "Border" as the least conspicuous, but if you look at the map, you can see the "sectors" borders.


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And whats wrong in doing this in an unit's/gamelogic's init field?

"myUPSAreaMarker" setmarkeralpha 0

Doesn't matter what size, shape or color the marker is, it will be hidden. And, hidden means hidden from sight, not deleted. Thus, UPS will work just fine.

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