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Spawn units inside a vehicle.

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Hi, how can I spawn a unit inside a vehicle?

I did it adding the vehicle inside the units group, and setting the units parametres in "load".

But I would like that the vehicle and the unit have a different groups.

How can I spawn a unit inside a vehicle without adding this unit in the vehicle tripulation?

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You might have better asked this in the Editing section, but anyway.

If I am not totally mistaken, on the right-hand side of the unit screen in the editor is a drop-down list with various options, e.g. "In Formation", the one for you would be "In Cargo" or something along that line.

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You might have better asked this in the Editing section, but anyway.

If I am not totally mistaken, on the right-hand side of the unit screen in the editor is a drop-down list with various options, e.g. "In Formation", the one for you would be "In Cargo" or something along that line.

Yes, If exist a vehicle inside the group, "in Cargo" mounts that member on that vehicle but in diferent groups is how I would like.

For example:

At mission start:

-A ship with cpu tripulation and player's group inside the ship like carge.

-Ship go to the coast.

- Player's group disembark.

- Ship go away.

How can I do it?

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To move all your players group members into the ship at the beginning, put this line in the player's init field:

{_x moveInCargo shipName} foreach units group player;

Then have the ship have a Transport Unload waypoint on the shore and the player have a Get Out one near it. Synch these together (F5). Then have the ship have a final move waypoint out at sea.

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To move all your players group members into the ship at the beginning, put this line in the player's init field:

{_x moveInCargo shipName} foreach units group player;

Then have the ship have a Transport Unload waypoint on the shore and the player have a Get Out one near it. Synch these together (F5). Then have the ship have a final move waypoint out at sea.

OK. Thank you very much!!

Edited by NeV3rKilL

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For the ship crew you would either use a populated boat to begin with or an empty with moveInDriver and Gunner (if turret).

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