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Hey all,

Inspired by some scripts that have been posted (US Support by lucilk for example), I've created some scripts that make the standard BIS compositions to use.

You can call a construction vehicle from the players menu and chose from some compositions that you want to be build at that location. So if you want to place your composition at an other place then you have dispatched the vehicle then you should move it. All are spawned with a defense and a patrol squad. Also the structures can be removed at the US Flag menu if they are of no more use to you or you want to replace them.

A new construction vehicle will come available as soon as you have used the first one.

I also included my module scripts that I use, so you dont have to put the BIS modules manually on the map. You can enable (1) or disable (0) them in the init.sqf.

Keep in mind this is just something I like play around with, so I'm sure the coding could be better... but if you have some pointers to make it better I would appreciate your feedback.

These are the scripts in a sample mission.



Edited by DTM2801

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:D.. well it seems that we are on the same lead.. i like these things to, maibe we can colaborate and do something real nice.

Good Job by the way

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How hell yeah! SOOOOOOOOOooooo Great!

I was actually trying to find a way to delete my own customs compositions set once they're not needed anymore and Voila! You bring me the answer on a golden plate!

Thanks buddy!

By the way if you wonder I've put a post on how to create the custom made compositions sets since many are formely miss designed.


But I'll work around with the way you use directly objectMapper.sqf

Looks as a simplier way to work.

Thanks again!

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