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Making AI use laser designator?

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I made a small test, to see if the AI could use the laser designator. I spawned myself as a harrier, and the AI as a NH90 helicopter armed with a laser designator, but it doesn't seem to be aiming at the target, and I couldn't get any lock-on. I also tried it myself, using the laser designator on the chopper, I lazed the target, but my harrier just fly past the target without dropping any bombs. Any help on this?

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Try using the dotarget and dofire commands,


chopper1 dotarget chopper2

chopper1 dofire chopper2

I would guess you have to specify which weapon for it to use, in this case the laser designator to otherwise it will just fire upon the target, I do not have enough experience to tell you how to do that however im sure its in the com ref or someone else will know.

EDIT\\ I looked up in the comref, and I reckon you could probaly use this command:


soldierOne selectWeapon "WeaponName"

Edited by jwalstab

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