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How do I make enemy Helos patrol an area on the mission editor?

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Basically me and my buddy are attempting to play a assassination type mission where our objective is to sneak through territory occupied by the enemy and eliminate a couple of Russian generals meeting with a group of allied insurgents (far fetched I know). It would really heighten the atmosphere of the game If I were able to place enemy helicopters on the map which could patrol an area and then return back to their starting point and repeat said process. Any way this is possible? I'm as you can already tell, very new to Arma 2 and really don't know what I'm doing most of the time. I tried setting the Helo's waypoints to 'Sentry' but they just hover above the ground indefinitely.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.


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You need to give the Helos either "MOVE" or "SEARCH AND DESTROY" waypoints, place as many of them as you need and as the very last waypoint you place a "CYCLE" one which you move close to the first waypoint.

The helo then is flying along these waypoints and when he is at the cycle one, he starts all over again.

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Thank you very much for your help! Sorry for the double thread post.

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