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Small arms damage models

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Hi! First of all thanks for a great game!

I have some ideas/questions about the damage models in Arma2. Back in the 90s I served one year as a munitions specialist in the norwegian infantry.

In particular, the 5.56 round seems underpowered, sometimes requiring 4-5 hits on human targets to render it ineffective or dead. As you might or might not know, the 5.56 NATO round is hollow inside, deforming it quickly on impact. Also the round will tumble on impact. This will make it less effective on body armour but it WILL drop an unarmoured target on the first round on a body hit.

Another thing I find slightly annoying is the absence of splash effect on the 12.7mm (.50). Sure, if standard API rounds are fired, it will not be as effective on groups of infantry but nowadays most forces are using the Multi-Purpouse round, which combines armour piercing capability with a local splint effect which can be deadly up to a 5m radius of impact.

If any of this has been discussed before, please point me to the right thread.


Animal Mother, 3rd Infantry Brig N

Edited by VI.Animal_Mother

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I agree with some splash effect

one weapon that should have some is the minigun...

when fired in game it can not possibly accurately replicate 4000 rnds a minute (66/sec) for most players especially online.

as for the 5.56 I never use it in game but online even the 7.62 x 54 can take 3 to 4 hits to kill at LR, this may be down to lag/loss also.

It does seem to match kill power with range and caliber quite well tho.

I have seen interviews with US soldiers saying how often it takes multiple hits to stop insurgents.

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It would be interesting to hear more why multiple hits are required. Do the insurgents carry their bananamags on the chest?

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the soldier in one interview in his first combat (Iraq) was making it very clear that even if the opfor went down after being hit they were often still moving... seemingly surprised he said "they just dont die when you hit em you have to hit em again"

he did not make any judgement on why.

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A bullet isn't going to instantly kill someone as long as it doesn't fuck up the CNS.

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a lot of modern day insurgents are hopped up on drugs, which makes them all hyped up and dulls some pain, saw a video where they shot a tank shell into a hut and the guy was still moving around.

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a lot of modern day insurgents are hopped up on drugs, which makes them all hyped up and dulls some pain, saw a video where they shot a tank shell into a hut and the guy was still moving around.

In Apache Ed Macy touches on this as well (referring to the Taliban in Afghanistan). Something to the effect that if you shoot one he's likely not to even notice he's been hit, they're so out of it. You really need to destroy their body's ability to function. Whether or not the Arma 2 soldiers are intended to be portrayed as being high is another matter.

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Missing vital organs keeps people up for a while longer as well.

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