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Stupid question...sound files

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Well this is irritating.

I know this may seem basic and stupid and I did do the searches and found lots of stuff but not the simple answer....

Where are the sound files located???

All I want to do is have the unit say "Alpha" when I radio Alpha.

Seems simple yet I cant find this out, I can play birds and dogs and music but there is no drop down for basic voice commands and I cant seem to find a thread that points out where the ogg files are to copy and paste into my missions.

This seems like a huge ommision from the editor...or maybe I am missing something.

When I do go into Effects and look at voice or sounds..there is a large portion of the menu that is blank but if I scroll down I come across all the files for the Campaign but absolutly nowhere do I see any ability to make a basic voice command via the effects option.

I mean really BI, you have a great program a good editor, but the editor is not finished, all these scrpiting commands could easily be implemented with drop down menus, I just cant believe you didnt develop this further for Arma2.

Without the third party addons ARMAEDIT, ARMAII BRIEFING MANAGER, it would be very frustrating to make a good mission if your not a code and script freak(I am not). I like the updates with ARMAII but you should have really improved the editor as well. It shouldnt take 3rd party addons to do basic stuff when you have included an editor in the package.

Anyway, thats my rant

any help is greatly appreciated.

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Without the third party addons ARMAEDIT, ARMAII BRIEFING MANAGER, it would be very frustrating to make a good mission if your not a code and script freak(I am not). I like the updates with ARMAII but you should have really improved the editor as well. It shouldnt take 3rd party addons to do basic stuff when you have included an editor in the package.

If you're not completely familiar with scripting for OFP/ArmA/ArmA2 and you're not using ArmA Edit you're Doing It Wrongâ„¢.

ArmA Edit even comes with a wizard for adding custom sounds into the description.ext file for you. You don't even really need to know what you're doing, click a few buttons, point at some sounds, save a file and done.

So yes, if you're not a code and script freak you really should be using the extra tools the Community has made for you. There's plenty of tools built into the Editor that make it far and away the best game editor of it's type, but if you want to extend it you're gonna have to use 3rd party tools or know your sh*t. :) Pretty much every editor system like this is exactly the same.

Read this if you insist on handicapping yourself by not using 3rd party tools: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext Actually, read it anyway, it's vital knowledge for mission builders. :)

There's probably an Alpha sound somewhere in the client, you can use the description.ext to allow you to access it. What you're trying to do isn't Basic at all though. Use sideChat or something, but custom voice sound files... not basic.

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Right, ok Im with you.

Ive been doing the OFP Arma and II since the start but I am new to the editor and yes it is awsome, love it no doubt. I am also not new to the world of AI handling and editing/modifying games and such, I run a Flight Simulator department for flight training. Used AI for many things PC sim based ...yada yada...you get the idea.

My only rift is that they have a great editor but with a little tweaking it could be an all in one easy to use package. There was nothing really upgraded from Arma to II.

I agree with you and use and do all the things youve said however most of the wiki and posts assume you know where to place the strings an threads.

So I am humbly asking for help again.

Can someone direct me to a post or assist me with finding the speech sound files within Arma to be used for radio commands so I can activate them via Triggers and Waypoints.

I have searched and read the Wiki but cannot find a simple direct answer to my querry.

Thanks for the help

signed...lil frustrated

added: Oh and for the "old schools" you have to remeber that with ever new release there will be newcomers to editing, they are not bad people and most do search the threads before posting. Its not helpfull to just say search the threads or look in the wiki. You have to be the teachers for the future great mission and object editors, it only benifits us all.......Any way, thanks to all those that help a brother out :)


---------- Post added at 12:26 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:55 PM ----------

Oh and yes I have the:

(rickjames) say ["alpha",5]

command but do not know where the sound files are kept to add to the mission folder.

Edited by tractorking

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Hi there TractorKing,

I am currently looking for the sound files my self. I want to use some of the ArmA 2speech-files in a mission I am working on.

I have dePBO'ed the files "sounds", "music" and "soundsmissions" found in the AddOns folder of ArmA 2, but did not find what I was looking for. Then I dePBO'ed the "campaign" and "missions" files, wondering if maybe the sounds where not all in one place, but perhaps loacted in the missions where they are used.

Well, still no success, but I on the way I did find the "Alpha" sound that you want. :)

There are two Alpha commands:

hc_065 (ordinary voice)

hc_065n (loud voice)

This is the folder structure:


To get the sounds you must dePBO the "mission.pbo" you find in AddOns folder. The sounds are in .wss-format, so you probably need a converter to listen to the sounds. All the sounds in "HC" are single word commands.

I'm not done searching for the sounds, but as of right now I fear they are scattered in folders all over - NOT collected all in the same place... :(

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Also if you make any changes to your code you will have to quit out of editor then re-launch for the changes to work - that one took me ages to work out.

If you change your description.ext you just need to save the mission again before previewing it, don't have to exit out and come back in. Saves a lot of time. :)

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Thanks guys,

Yeah I saw that thread but was really trying not to make a whole set of custom dialog.

Very very complicated process to do a simple thing...Seems like most of the AI dialog is some sort of speech engine, except for the movie like dialog scripts. Seems like it should be easier to access this, but i havent looked into BI editing suite.

Guess Ill have to hear myself talk for now.

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