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Possibilty for Russian campaign after arrowhead

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I think that this would be possible to keep all the arma2 community happy in the long run so they can play whichever side they choose.

Ok here is an idea

3 yrs after cherarus the US is engaged in a campaign in Takistan(arrowhead).

A peace agreement was reached in Chernarus before this.

But as the US is busy in Takistan 3 yrs later the CDF launch there own campaign attacking native russians in chernarus's north (new map) and launching a campaign of genocide againts local russians and guerilla forces. The CDF are also now heavily armed with russian and US (left by us after agreement) and International weapons that came after as a means of been up2 nato standards.

A new governement has been elected in russia and since the US are busy in Takistan it's up2 Russian now to enter the region so it send in peace keeping forces.

It's peace keepers are attacked and many are captured and taken hostage so Russia sends in the army and special forces and is engaged in a full scale war with the CDF.

The Guerillas meantime are organising there own resistance and is corrupt and is funded by drugs attacking both sides.

The insurgents were defeated and are no longer a major threat since the peace agreement was reached before but still help the russians but have learnt from their past experience and do things more humanly now under a new leader.

I think this is a possibilty and i know id'e buy an addon like this anyday.

The CDF could have some basic US stuff and equipment and also still russian equipment. Also they could have new international equipment they were supplied with a peace agreement to be to NATO standards.

Just a quick possibilty of newly added equipment to CDF side:

UH-1Y, LAV-25, US Small arms, various Humvees, AA launchers, artillery etc

leapoard tanks, weapons, APC's and aircraft from international countries, JAS 39, puma helicopters, Tiger attack helicopters, Let L410 small transport etc, etc, etc...

Please feel free to comment but remember this is just a suggestion for a possiblity to keep all the ARMA2 community happy and also for variation of been able to play as any side.

Edited by vasmkd

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I think it might be more interesting to explore the western portions of Chernarus, as opposed to the northern part which wouldn't be anything more than some mountains and part of russia. theres quite a bit BIS seeme to have left out (future content???, wishful thinking, but its possible)


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Yep id'e be happy with the western part too

as long as it aint the same map.

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