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Waypoint not working!

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I am making a mission (due to my lack of knowledge on making "tasks" I am just using waypoints to guide the player with the final waypoint being the one that marks the end of the mission).

The waypoint I am having trouble with is a to a crashed plane (the waypoint is connected an empty plane that starts in mid flight, and it crashes, like it should...) I set the completion radius to 30 meters, and when I am closer than 30 meters, it doesn't disappear and give me the next waypoint.

Is there something I am doing wrong, or is there a way to fix this? Thanks for the info.

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There does seem to be a bug as you can get within a meter of the plane and still the waypoint won't complete.

The only way I can do it is this.

You will have to put yourself in a group by placing this line in your units init box.

grp1 = group this 

name the plane and place this line in it's init box

trig1 attachto[plane,[0,0,0]]

Next create a trigger and name it trig1 and setup as follows


player distance planename <=10

On act

deleteWaypoint [grp1, 4]

You will have to change the number after in deletewaypoint to match the one that isn't working.

What I'm doing is using a trigger instead of the waypoint and when it becomes true it deletes the faulty waypoint.

Has anyone got a better way of doing this?

Edited by F2k Sel

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