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How do I get the enemy team to follow me?

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Okay basically, I want after a certain event, say I reach a way point or I assassinate a named enemy, troops will start spawning and following me till extraction, never letting up.

Is this possible, if so how can it be done?

P.S. can I get a link to a good HALO jump script? I've searched the forums but it seems they give the execute order for the unit to eject but not the code for the file. I need both.

Thanks in advance!

Edited by SamGv

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I am doing this from memory, so I can't guarantee that everything will be totally correct.

I am going to tell you way to do this with only triggers, because I personally find it easiest to explain. However, there are quite a lot of ways you could do this.

My solution involves two triggers that set each other off. Each time one is set off it tells an enemy to move to the player's position. To prevent this happening too fast you will need to add a timeout value (explained below).

  1. Create a trigger that sets some variables to true when your "certain event" happens. I'm going to assume it's when someone dies. In the trigger:
    Condition: !(alive mynamedenemy)
    On activation: chasetheplayer = true; chaseswitch = true;
  2. Create another trigger that causes the group leader of the enemy squad to give chase.
    Timeout: any value greater than zero, but not more than a minute
    Condition: chasetheplayer == true AND chaseswitch == true
    On activation: enemysquadleader domove getpos player; chaseswitch = false
  3. Create another, similar trigger:
    Timeout: any value greater than zero, but not more than a minute
    Condition: chasetheplayer == true AND chaseswitch == false
    On activation: enemysquadleader domove getpos player; chaseswitch = true
  4. (Optional) If you ever want the enemy to stop chasing, set chasetheplayer to false.
  5. (Optional) If you want the squad to keep chasing even if their leader dies, you should replace:
    enemysquadleader domove getpos player;
    leader group enemysquadleader domove getpos player;

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