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How do I change what weapon a unit has when it respawns?

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See the title. Please don't misunderstand my question, I know how to change what equipment a unit starts with at the beginning of the game, that's easy via the init field, but when the unit dies and respawns in a multiplayer game they always respawn with the default weapon for their side (West - M16, East - AK74, Guer - AK47...), and I'd like to know how to specify what equipment a player is given when they respawn.

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You can try the weapon respawn script from toadlife that is found on ofpec


, as it allows to have an unit respawning with :

-the last weapon and ammos he was using before dying.

-the weapon and ammos he was starting with.

If you want to give specific weapons and ammo, you may just have to replace the part that give ammo and weapon in the script by your own selections.

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