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Trouble with Triggers

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Hi, I have looked every where, I have searched the forums here and Armaholics, I have read the Armed Assault Editor Guide Deluxe and I still cant work it out, so I am asking for help. :o

I have a Mission setup already, units are where they are meant to be, and I have 6 SU-34's in the top airfield on Chernarus and 3 Mi-24's in the lower left Airfield ( with "Bolota" I couldn't get planes to take off there without exploding at the end of the runway?!) plus multiple units around the place that I have synced to a Trigger that when the BlueForce is detected by the Opfor they will come to the area and seek and destroy.

I have the trigger set and then I have the Seek and Destroy way points synced to the Trigger.

But The aircrafts are taking off right away and so are the Helis, I have then tried having Pilots next to Empty Vehicles and syncing the Get In waypoint, but then they wont get into the Vehicles. any help would really be appreciated. :D

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You need to synch the Trigger (type = Switch) to a HOLD waypoint before the search and destroy one.

I'm not entirely sure you can do this with them sitting on the ground though. Your idea about crew on the ground first, might be it though.

After testing they only sometimes actually took off, so you might be better off spawning them dynamically when you want the attacks since no one will actually see them take off.

If you wanted to be able to destroy them before hand, just have the script check that their placeholders are alive before it triggers or something

Edited by kylania

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Put EMPTY choppers and planes

place the pilots and create a HOLD waypoint

Put another GETINNEREST waypoint near the planes and choppers

create the trigger and Synch it with the GETINNEAREST waypoint

Finally, following the getinnearest create the SEEKANDDESTROY waypoint.

alternatively, substitute the GETINNEAREST for an ADVANCE waypoint and add "PILOT1 moveindriver PLANE1;PILOT2 moveindriver PLANE2; etc.....

theoretically it should work

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Ok I forgot that part, I did have it on switch already but the hold waypoint worked a charm! thanx so much!

Next problem, the SU 34's when taking off they ignore my move waypoints when taking off and bank left right after take off, I have used the "this flyinheight 400" and put move markers forward from the runway, but they continue to go left right away then crash into the trees.

I have just played with it for 40min's and Nothing I have done so far has worked?

Any Idea on why they are ignoring move orders and going right for the Seek and Destroy?

---------- Post added at 07:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 PM ----------

well I was hoping to have it so if you wanted to get creative you could take out the air assets before going for the main base, thats the plan anyway.

I am just working out the issues atm, like all 6 jets hitting the same tree :(

but so far everything else seems to be going well, I have Blackhawks bringing the teams in, then then ground assets waiting for Radio contact to begin assaults and I think I have the artillery under control, but I haven't tested that yet, just getting these jets worked now I have the Helis working well :)

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