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Cant fire weapons on Auto

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Hi guys, was wondering if someone can help me out. When ever I am controlling a character I can fire my gun on semi and burst, but as soon as i change to auto, the gun won't fire. As im sure you can tell this is a pain when i use guns that only have the auto fire setting. I have another issue which may be related, on the tutorial for flying planes. During the second part where you have to shoot down the tank on the ground and then the planes, I can only fire the homing missiles (sidewinders) i think, the other 2 weapons I cannot fire. Any suggestions or help please.

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Sorry i am not familiar with that term (FADE).

I also found I have the same problem with sniper rifles.

I have recentlly discovered that if i change the key binding to a different key i can fire auto guns and snipers. My fire key is currently my right mouse button but if i assign it to a keyboard key i can fire these guns. It seems strange as my right mouse button is clearly working as it allows me to fire some guns and I can use it for other functions.

Thanks for the replies

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Ok i looked up FADE and it defo aint that as I have a legit game and CD key. It seems stupid that I cant fire some guns with my mouse button but can fire others. I currently have to use my right mouse click for some weapons and a keyboard binding to fire others. However my keyboard binding works for all guns all of the time. So although it sounds stupid. Is there some incompatibility issue with logitech mice and arma 2 ?

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I think the mouse fire button MUST be LEFT. You can add other bindings but putting it on the right may be confusing it as its an unusual button to use.

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heh nope always use right click for primary fire. Regardless of which key is bound it should still work though

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I think it's just a bug with the control config system, I've tried binding certain actions to my joystick and they won't work, they only work with the preset key.

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if you are an experienced user you can disregard this post...

sounds like a conflict with another bind... does it have any red letters or other binds for that key in the mapping window? as I think it has a default zoom bind which requires a hold on the key press to zoom... that would explain why it wont work for full auto fire...

to test make sure that you only have that action bound to that key and no others by deleting all other binds for that key.

that said I have noticed some strange key mapping behaviour in A2... definately not perfect.

Edited by dogz

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thanks for the reply guys, i think it is a bug with the controls. It is a great game but if the basic element of a game isnt done properly it can spoil the whole thing for some people :(

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