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Units are Not Getting any ammo.

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Hello,its my first time on these fourms and I need some help trying to give ammo to my units in mission editor.Ok,now im making a mission that has Black ops and Resistance snipers on the same team.So I saw that they look like black ops as well.Then I though why not change their sniper to a HKG3?Ok I had put this:this addWeapon"HKG3";this addMagazine"HKG3Mag".Next, I went into the game to check out my ai teamates to see if they got it,and they did have it but they were holding their Ingrams?I went back into the editor and change my player to one of the Resistance and got into the game to find myself switching to a HKG3 without any ammo.Is there anyway to give them ammo?:confused:

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I had put this:this addWeapon"HKG3";this addMagazine"HKG3Mag"

Well you're close, but at least on the right track :) You forgot to remove the exisiting weapons. Also so that your unit has a fully loaded weapon at the start, load magazines first, then the weapons.

In each units "initialization" field put this:

removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "hkg3mag"; this addmagazine "hkg3mag"; this addmagazine "hkg3mag"; this addmagazine "hkg3mag"; this addweapon "HKG3" ....plus anything else you want like grenades, binoculars, nvg...etc.

Oh also if you use binoculars and nvg's, put the binoculars first, then the nvg. There is a bug in the animations if you put nvg's , before binoculars.

Edited by Zulu1

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Ok I'll have to try that tonight to see if that works but also I see that I put this instead of the removeallweapons part:I put this removeWeapon "HuntingRifle";this removeMagazine"HuntingRifleMag" and then I put the addweapon and add magazine lol thats what the problem was.Also I didnt know that you have to put the addmagazine line in the number of times of how many Magazines to have.

I just tried it and It worked!Thanks for all your help now all I need to do is set up objectives,Music, and then Intro for when the mission is completed.

O yea One more question what is the weapon name and ammo for Satchel?

Edited by OpFor.Seal
The Information Worked

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