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I can't get out of the house once i got in?

Is there a way to get in without being detected?

I'have already tried to kill every one around but there is always someone hidden to shoot me when i get out...

I can't stand this anymore, Iwant to finish this Campaign...

Thanks to every one who can help me

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When i went in to get the documents, i just run out to the north to the sea and then walk along the coast to leave enemy territory. I managed to do this twice at exact the same way.

I read once in a similar problem that there is some hind hidden somewhere. When you fly above the house, you will get the documents also. I never found the hind, but if you find it then you could just fly over the house and go back.

Gorgi Knootewoot

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Thanks but the Hinds are in the base just west from the house and it seems to be well defended. Getting inside it without being detected may be a great challenge and i think it is not possible. There is also a Shilka just East from the house. Once i tried to get in and was shot down by the patrol.

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I didn't get in the house undetected. When a BMP drove away, i went to the front of the house where a lot of soldiers were. I emptied an entire clip on full auto and went into the house. Then my retry position was updated while a lot of soldiers were closing in. I went out and got behind the house so the soldiers couldn't hit me. I run down the hill to the sea with bullets whistling past my ears. I hide behind trees and bushes and finally reached the ocean. I walked near the coast until i past the fence where you got in. Then i went into the woods and escaped. I did it two times on the same way and it worked. I never saw a shilka, but only two BMP's and a t72 or t80. One BMP created a hole in the fence for me. He saw me, and i quickly hide in the woods. It drove slowly through the fence to where i was hiding. I placed some satchels and ran away. BOOOM. Alarm went of but i was long gone before they found me. This mission was really tense and sweat was on my forehead. I really enjoy realistic games like this.


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no there isnt much stealth in ofp with the current AI super detection. if u arm yourself with a law launcher with a single law, and manage to get to the the back of the hind base, u can breach the back wall and climb fast into the shilka. when i did it (climbed as a gunner) an enemy driver climed a sec after, because of thet i wasnt fired upon by other soldiers and just finnished the whole base including tanks and bmps. the driver took us for a little ride inside the base, and after a few minutes bailed out himself so i had all the shilka to myself.

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i dont know if this was aglitch but i wasd using the original version. in my version this was the easyiest mission. i ran up to the north and then along the coast to the house. i shot the guard crawling around in the bushes but that was it. i simply cralwed in the front door practicaly pushing the guard out the way. for some reason he didnt see me and then i just crawled out of their sight and RAN! no siren sound or anything. i got a lousy score though!

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i dont know if this was aglitch but i wasd using the original version. in my version this was the easyiest mission. i ran up to the north and then along the coast to the house. i shot the guard crawling around in the bushes but that was it. i simply cralwed in the front door practicaly pushing the guard out the way. for some reason he didnt see me and then i just crawled out of their sight and RAN! no siren sound or anything. i got a lousy score though!

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You can actually jump off the Balcony on the second floor, Just walk to the right and you can fall go prone immediately and off you go..

Make sure the patrolling gaurds are at a distance and if you have to kill anybody always hide the body so the gaurds dont get supicious

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floor, Just walk to the right and you can fall go prone immediately and off you go..

Make sure the patrolling gaurds are at a distance and if you have to kill anybody always hide the body so the gaurds dont get supicious

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floor, Just walk to the right and you can fall go prone immediately and off you go..

Make sure the patrolling gaurds are at a distance and if you have to kill anybody always hide the body so the gaurds dont get supicious

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I took a Hind from the nearby base and that was when I found out you could fly over the house to take the documents, though I had planned on landing...

To get the Hind, observation of base personnel movement is important. You will note all of the guys in the base appear to be near the Shilka and parked Hinds at one point on their little walk about. Now this is a little hard to explain, but this is basically what I did... Creep up the the one corner of the base that conveniently has no guard tower, walk along the wall to the base of the hill-side tower (manned) and set a sachel charge, now double back and using your map, wait until you are in line with the Shilka, stop and plant a charge against the wall here too, now go along the wall behind the Choppers, plant a charge close to but not right beneath the unmanned guard tower. Now get back to a safe distance but one where you can quickly get up and charge... If you time it right, you can nail almost 100% of the base personnel with these three charges, thus taking down the walls and severely damaging or destroying the Shilka and the Hind you don't want to steal, most likely the crews will be killed as they are walking about anyway. I had to try this several times to get it just right, but I took out all the infantry, the pilots and the Shilka crew with sachel charges alone, the only resistance was the guard tower near the base entrance, he was too far away, but I was on the opposite side of the chopper when I got in so he was unable to target me. I was in the air before any other units could respond to the explosions.

Interestingly enough, you should take the Hind closest to the barracks, the one in the corner appears to actually be 2 Hinds sitting on top of each other (and could be heavily damaged by the explosion). In one of my attempts, some of the crew survived and after I took off I was wheeling around to make a pass only to see this Hind take off while leaving another one in its place. Strange but true.

The Shilka on the beach is not alone, there is a Russian Patrol Boat on the shore nearby.

I was also finally able to get into the house and out again without setting off the alarm. You have to crawl. I set sachel charges in the bushes on each side of the house and the third where the BMP stops behind the house. After I got the documents I went into the woods, waited for the BMP to stop and blew the charges, I got pretty much everyone around the house in one shot, I could have done that first and then gone into the house unopposed, but I wanted to see if I could get in and out undetected.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Captain Fluffy on 10:17 pm on Nov. 28, 2001

The Shilka on the beach is not alone, there is a Russian Patrol Boat on the shore nearby.<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah, I was trying to make a getaway on the boat last night, but every time I killed the shilka and got in the boat I'd soon be shot by a T-80... and, of course, it was always a direct hit with the first shot regardless of how fast I was going or how much I weaving; in the end I just ran along the coast. I think I need to try the mission again, and this time creep around rather than shoot people and blow up tanks and BMPs.

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I did somewhat the same thing Captain Fluffy mentioned. Except I took along 2 Laws and 2 ectra clips of ammo. Went north from starting position and around the fence, then snuck up to the NE side of the base and went prone in a bush. Fired a LAW at the wall so I would have easy access to the crew around the Hinds. After they went down the Shilka comes near and BOOM there goes the 2nd LAW. Next I spend a few killing anything that moves then run for the bird. After that its like shooting fish in a barrel.

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Well, this time I managed to steal the boat; the T80 is actually based down there with the shilka, so I stole the documents without setting off the alarm (though that involved a couple of retries as I was spotted by a Russian officer hiding in a cupboard in the house, and, of course, shooting him with one shot from a silenced SMG set off the alarm!) and blew up the shilka and T80 with satchel charges to clear the way to steal the ride home.

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I never found that hiding bodies did anything. As soon as you shoot one guy the alarm goes off anyway. it a bit annoying. stealth my bum.

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There is a nice way to do this without being detected. basicaly, go north around the fence and run along the water till you are level with the house. (watch out though, there's a patrol that runs down to the sea every now and again.) then crawl all the way through the trees till you can see the house.

Wait till the BMP and the house patrol are past then fast crawl to the window halfway along the back wall. If you get up just beneath it you can climb through. I also found if you are prone in the house, pretty much no-one can see you.

Its also fun to set a satchel charge in the hall then run upstairs and set it off. KABOOM!!

but neway- climb out through the same window and go back the way you came.

Crap score, but no worries smile.gif

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oh yeah , i think you have to be running version 1.00 because the enemy AI hasn't been fixed up. and the alarm doesn't go off when you get into the house.

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The alarm still doesn't go off in 1.30 provided no-one sees you. The problem is that there's an officer right at the front door (who was the one who'd wandered into the cupboard when I replayed the mission) and he often spots you inside the house and raises the alarm.

As for creeping around the edge of the fence in the sea, that's the wusses way to get into the base 8-). Real men wait for the patrols to leave the main entrance and run through it without being seen.

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