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how to create human addons

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i really want to learn to create soldiers in ofp.

please please refer me to some tutorials and please give me some links.

i have o2 and ofp-anim0.98 but i really need tutorials on how to make soldiers and human addons please help.

any help will be greatly appreciated.:cool::nuts::681:

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Brsseb doesn't have any tutorials on creating infantry unit's unfortunatly though if you complete those tutorials you will understand the fundemental elements of modeling and making OFP addon's, a good way to start is to look at some unit addon's, un-pbo them to see how the addon makers have done them etc.

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Popka its is ok,but ist he have to unerstand whats the things in which he is working

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Brssebs tutorials are always a good place to start,even if you're

only interested in doing infantry models.It'll get you used to working

with selections,points and different types of lods.

I wouldn't recommend trying to take on both OFPanim and O2 at

the same time if you're a beginner.Choose one or the other for the moment.

Most addon makers that have dealt with infantry,usually take a standard bis soldier,

or the standard Resistance civilian,and modify that to achieve what they want.

Not because that's the only way,but because it allows you to use the default animations

without your model distorting beyond recognition.

You can still change the shape,by moving the vertices around.But pay close attention to the

joint areas.Moving them too far out of their original location will give unwanted results ingame.

As Popka suggests,try to study the work of other addon makers who've done infantry.

Bearing in mind what I've told you about joints,experiment.Don't be afraid to get it wrong,

as that will assist in learning.And always do a good search of the O2 modelling section in

OFP editing.O2 docs and O2 troubleshooting may also contain relevant info.

If you run into a brick wall,after searching,then post for some help.Someone's bound to

reply with some assistance.And remember,while many of the more experienced

addon makers/modders appear to have great skill or knowledge,they didn't get

it without making a lot of mistakes.Many of them didn't have much experience of

modelling before they encountered Flashpoint.

If you've got any other questions on modelling,you should post in the

OFP:O2 modelling forum.In fact,you might want to have this thread

moved there.


Edited by Macser

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see the o2 lite program is not letting me open the files saying that the file is in incorrect format the file format is .p3d. and are ther absolutely no tutorials on how to make human addons anywhere?????:confused:

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you can use the Sanctuary's modding contents. you are free to use his model to make your own. I used one of his model for my own project, and his models are really good and they have already the selections needed to animate the soldier in game + you can use with them the great Sanctuary's animations.


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k see i have seen the bis and ffur mi-24 and some landrovers and wanted to know how to add a mg to the vehicles. pls reply

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