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witebanshee SG

choppy game

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i have a 750durron 128mb ram tnt2 model 64 and it gives me a benchmark of 1600+ and sets my res to 10 1024-768-32, but when i run the game, single player or multi player it gets choppy but i played it on a laptop(pen3w/stepspeed 850mhz 256mb ram 32mb ati) but it get a benchmark of 1500-1570 and it ran absulotely free of chop, so im wondering if my game is choppy cuz i only hvae 128mb ram or if its the CPU

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Standard Questions.

Latest Drivers?

Any Programs Running in the background?

Lower your resolution.

Anyone know if TNT2's support Hardware T&L?

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thats an older card, but what you can do is, in game, go to the menu and head over to the Video section

you'll see Fame rate, move that to the right, your detail level will lower a little bit, and you'll gain more frames per second

also click on my siggy below and dload the DirextX Util if you have not done that yet, read the read me and do what it says., it turns off a debug mode which frees up a few more cpu cycles

Also take note on the lower right of your Windows before you run the game

try and shut down all those icon on the lower right they are running and also using cpy cycles (except the volume control that will stay)

you can then go one step further, and hit control Alt delere once

in there you'll see quite a few programs, more if you have not shut any of the icons down on the lower right

from this little pop up window you may shut down all the programs by selecting them and hitting shutdown

Make sure you don't shut down systray and Explorer those are the only two you need running to keep windows working

it may be possible that shutting one of the programs down will cause a crash, just note which program it was, reboot and leave that one running next time

because every one's systems are different, they'll have more or less Icons in the lower right, it depends on what was loaded into the computer, many things are just not needed there in order to run the programs they are for.

I've even gone one step farther and made sure those programs wont load on the start of my Gamers log on (hitting escape at the log on takes you to my gaming log on) when Windows starts, this way on a fresh boot I have a 97% of my system resources at my games command.

this is done with a hidden program called msconfig.exe

you may type this in the run bar to see how it works, try and not to use it till your sure what it cam do, it can cause damage, get some one you know who's a computer geek to do this or explain this to you

if you need any quick questions answered, you can email me from this post, or just make another post

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Memory is so cheap right now, I'd definitely upgrade if you only have 128MB -- it will make a huge difference.

Here are some memory footprint numbers for OFP V1.30 on my Windows 2000 system:

SafeDisc V2.0 wrapper, always loaded: 1MB

OFP at Main Menu: 54MB

OFP at start of 'Steal the Car' SP mission: 112MB

OFP after completing 'Steal the Car' mission: 137MB

As you can see, the game easily consumes more memory than there is physical RAM in your system, which will lead to swapping, and a huge performance hit. Things get even worse if you try to play any multiplayer games because of the extra networking code that is loaded.

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2 points:

1. 128mb of RAM will lead to a lot of paging (swapping stuff to and from your HDD) - Buy more RAM.

2. You're CPU/VGA isn't capable of running OFP at 1024x768x32 properly - I have an Athlon 900 + 512 RAM + GeForce2 MX. I run at 1024x768x16, with the VAST majority of detail settings turned down (Max lights 8, no shadows, small textures etc) and I still get slowdowns... esp on the "Battlegrounds" mission.

Long + Short = Sorry, you kit just can't play with the big boys. (Neither can mine :'( )

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