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Modifying ui.pbo causes errors.

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I've been trying to make some adjustments to the ui.pbo which is default to A2.

Ive tried extracting and editing the configs I wish, however when I re-pack into a .pbo, the screen goes absolutely insane, tons of oddly looking colors and changes items i've not even touched.

I believe this is due to something out of my control, something I'm missing or not doing.

Its worth noting the ui.pbo has all its files in a config.bin file.

Do I need to re-pack the files into config.bin format, then into .pbo?

I shouldn't see how this would cause the problems im seeing on my screen, even as i've tried it in an @addon format also.

I've also tried keeping all the files original, not changing anything and just repacking. This also causes the faults.

Any clues?

Edited by nullsystems

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Do not modify the UI pbo. Instead make replacement addons.

Check the work of Rg, my PROPER stuff or many other UI tweaks how to do that. :)

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