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SOM and Arty module

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I have found a problem,

In these commands, the usage of "player" makes it only available in SP or on a listen server and therefore to the host player...

I need mine to run on a dedicated, and have used the unit names of "leader grpx" or a single units name, but it does not always seem to work. I get various bug, such as the hint not appearing, or i can delect through the coms menu, but i can't get the final marker to be placed on the map.

[["artillery_barrage"], leader grpx, [[RIPPER, [7]]], [true]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

[["artillery_barrage"], artilleryspotter, [[RIPPER, [7]]], [true]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

Also, in earlier posts, it seems that game logic can be used, but in my game logics when i place them on a map, i do not have an "on act" or "condition", i only have these in triggers?

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