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Easter Eggs

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has anyone found any easter eggs in arma 2 yet

i have herd strorys about the following


and zombie's

has anyone found any new ones or evidnece to suport these

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He might be in the game like in reality - doesnt excist but a lot of buckoos belive he does so the myth creates the monster. Like when your soldiers go "did you see that??" etc.

The myth about him roaming those woods (old legend of the parts) makes him real.

But who knows. He might be physical in the game. :)


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hmmm im thinking i will set up a server tonight just place in aload of playable units some choppers etc and scout the whole map for bigfoot

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Remember to skip the ghillie snipers or youll wind up like all the other crazies and think you saw him. ;)

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He is a cunnning so and so... if you hunt for him you wont find him. But one day when your playing Arma 2 you might see something out of the corner of your eye and think 'Was that Bigfoot?', but you'll never know,,,

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