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Separate MP compatible campaign

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Currently (1.03) I find the ArmA II campaign still unplayable due to lag at least on 8/1MB connection with 3 players. At the moment the lag can be narrowed down into two modules:

- Ambient Civilians

- Ambient Animals

Those modules have been found to cause massive lag on dedicated servers ´(and are widely not used in missions anymore) and campaign too. So I pledge BIS to make separate version of the campaign without any heavy scipts or modules causing unnecessary lag or CPU load for the host. Just add campaign called Harvest Red (MP) to the campaign list and people would be happy.

I still think coop campaign is the best single feature in ArmA II so don't let it stay unplayable in MP!

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Currently (1.03) At the moment the lag can be narrowed down into two modules:

- Ambient Civilians

- Ambient Animals

Your not wrong there mate!

We had to stop using the animals,not sure if its true but it seemed like the more players we had in a missions the more animals would be spawned?

One game we had 18-ish ppl on and the were like 20-30 animals per field!

Lagged like hell. :D

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I edited the Harvest Red campaign and removed all Ambient Animals modules from missions...and guess what no lag at all in MP so far. I left ambient civilians intact since they don't seem to lag like herd of 50 chickens.

But I will have to test some more and report later on.

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