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Barret m99 (big shot) released.

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First version released of the Barrett M99 (Big Shot).

Check it out at Op: Thunderbolt.

Have fun,


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Now I dont mean to be rude or a nitpicker or whatever, but shouldnt the Barret be a bit more powerful against vehicles? I dont mean knocking out T-72's and such, but shouldnt it be able to take out a UAZ, Ural, or BMP in a few shots? But the weapon model ingame kicks ass smile.gif

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Could you please provide details about using the scope. I placed a target (civilian - sorry Ralph!wink.gif 1200 meters away and I maxxed zoom. I tried center, above/below center but nothing hit. I was also unable to determine whether the smoke at impact point was in front or behind target.

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Hey all! thanx for the feedback, it is version 1.0 so changes will be coming soon. But first i must start a little discussion because im wondering what to do.

Its about ranges in OFP vs. the real world. The M21 which uses a 3x-9x Renfield zoom scope has a opticsZoom range of 0.04-0.12 ... this would mean that 0.03 would be appropriate for a 10x scope. But i believe that this is very much scaled down to fit the ofp system. You seldom have ranges exceeding 600 meters (the max range of the m21 is 900 meters in the game). The M24, which was an experiment i might add, i ranged and set it so on 500 meter, a crouching person would take up 3.5-3.6 mil-dots. This according to the M24 manual would be the approrpiate range for the 10x42 scope they use. So my question is, should i adjust the scope ranges to fit the M21/SVD settings (ie. scale down the M24 pretty much) or should i go with the "real" settings and thus scale everything up.

btw, the M99 is currently scaled to the game specs with a zoom range of 0.03-0.12 which would be equivalent to 3x-10x.

This question also affects Ammo and dispersion. As it is now, all one can do is to compare with existing weapons and do a educated guess as what to do. The specs for the ammo i use on the M99 is :











The Hit is about half of what an exploding bullet/rocket does, and about 5 times what a Sniper bullet does. It should take out a UAZ if you hit it in the right spot. It wont however do much against a tank i think.

The ranges are way long, but i dont see much difference in bullet ballistics when using small modifications.

Dispersion is set to 0.000000001; which means it is a very accurate weapon and basically hits where you aim it, with adjustments for range and bullet drop ofcourse.

Now since we do not have any official feedback or manuals for how to make these kind of Mods yet, i would love any thoughts you players and other mod makers might have on this issue as i am kinda fumbling in the dark here. And if some of the BIS developers wanna give their thoughts on this, we would all be very very very very ( smile.gif very very happy wink.gif



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The hit is 13 and indirect is 4 on the 12_7 bullet (which is what is used in the M2). But i feel that this does not give an accurate representation of the firepower since if you fire one or two shots with an M2 against a UAZ it wont do anything. The M2's strength is rate of fire, not actual bullet penetration damage. Also, a 7.62 sniper bullet does 10 in damage, and we should compare this to 13 for a 12_7. no. i think you have to take into account that the ammount of bullets being fired from the M2 accounts for the low damage value. Thats my idea anyway.


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New update & fix for the M99. nOw with textures & new and improved ballistics. Plus the scope is now scaled to real world specs (as opposed to OFP scales as it was before). You now have a zoom that is scaled like the M24 SWS.



(and as always, this is beta releases..)

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I played with it last night...it's a fun gun. But it doesn't seem at have the realistic effect on lightly armored vehicles that a real .50 would. It won't penetrate the door of a UAZ, or go through the plexiglass canopy of a Hind.

It does s fine job of one shot kills though. The 7.62 sometimes needs two shots to drop someone...not this one though. And it has a nice, loud, satsifying "boom"...

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If you played with the updated version it will kill a UAZ in about 2-3 shots. The big problem with .50 guns in OFP is that vehicle damage is HIGHLY simplified. So you either have the option of having 1 shot take out an entire UAZ regardless of where it hits.. this gives the added "bonus" of taking out both BMP's and MBTs. Which imho is not realistic. I thought it better to have a bit more balanced.

And the Hind is a flying tank.. at least in mbt smile.gif


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