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How do i rearm the MG2

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Ok here's the deal i have an MG2 static wich is going to be used in heavy combat so i expet it to run out of ammo but how do i rearm it again using the ammo truck or maybe something else

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Is this an editing question or a mission-specific question? If you don't specify that it makes it pretty hard to answer you (though posting in the appropriate forum also helps understand what you mean).

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Hello mercyne,

I did some tests with the M2 MG, or as you call it "MG2," and the best way to resupply the M2 MG with the supply truck is parking the ammo truck very close to the gun. Almost touching it or even touching it if possible.



TIP: To resupply the gun, the back of the truck, the part with the explosive logo, must be nearest to the gun. Parking the truck with the engine facing the gun will not work. Also, you will limit the area which you can attack.

You can also use a vehicle ammo point to resupply the gun, but the vehicle ammo points are not movable like the ammo truck.


I'll let you know if I find any other methods.

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I've noticed that for vehicles with magazines such as M2 and Mk-19, re-arming will only fill magazines with at least 1 round and not give you more magazines. It's probably related to the bug that doesn't allow you to rearm a vehicle that have had its ammo depleted completely.

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Wow thanks for that great post but i can't use the truck beceuse my the weapon is placed in a checkpoint and the track just can't get that close

but that vehicla resupply point is a good idea i see what happends if i place and empty crate next to it and then put some stuff in maybe it will use it

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