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Decent rig w/ terrible performance

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ok, 1st off I have been reading through these forums since early September '09 even thou this is my 1st post. 2nd off I have used the search function but found only half of the problems I'm experiencing. 3rd off I have little time to look/find/learn ways to improve performance due to personal agendas.

I'm experiencing an FPS cap at roughly 25 FPS. I have tried everything imaginable to find a decent setting to run the game well...not even good, but well. Besides the "normal" graphical bugs you can find on these forums I experience a few that are not listed. For one, the sky is constantly changing pigments of brightness when standing still/prone overlooking a valley or running in which ever direction, and this still happens when postprocess effects are disabled. 2nd, the textures are always changing even when I'm close to what ever is messing up. It's like the textures are rendering at half then all of a sudden they'll pop back to a full render, then shortly back to a half render. I don't know what to do but if I can't find a solution to fix these issues I'm gonna have to put Arma2 on the back burner until I either upgrade to something better or a super patch comes out to fix all. Please help, it will be greatly appreciated.

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Hi, I am having the same problems, there is no way my fps go higher than 25, it does not matter the resolution, AA or any filter ,shadows textures, high or low, and when i am in a big town they usually drop to 19, and the funny thing is that i have intel core quad , ATI 4870 1 GB, 4 GB RAM, i can play all of the new games like crysis and others at very high , i swich on every single option, always to the highest, and this game i have to play this bad.

I have to say that i´ve read all of the threads in this forum related to TROUBLESHOOTING, i have tried everything and there is no way i can get through those 25.

I guess the problem is my windows vista 32 bit, that just doesnt allow my computer to optimize the game, but again, i must complain because this only happens whith this game!

I will install Xp profesional 64 bit and i will post here the results to let you know.

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I will install Xp profesional 64 bit and i will post here the results to let you know.

Good deal, thanks :) ( no pun intended :p ) ....also ment to add if I had more time, and this might be known, but characters I see in SP or MP all move about like robots. They don't move gracefully like I've seen on in-game videos. Probably due to my FPS but it's a weird problem. Only my character on screen moves with the quality the game intended. Also when in vehicles, or any vehicle for that matter, I tend to lag up quite a bit. Especially when someone or the AI is driving/flying it lags in frames while the game goes on uninterrupted. It's hard to explain other than I lag without the game lagging. It appears that when this happens the vehicle I'm riding in goes invisible and jumps to a random spot to where I was heading, but usually in short jumps. Kinda reminds me of the "Blink" spell for a Mage on World of Warcraft:icon_lol: Don't think it's my connection either. Happens in all servers and in SP.

Edited by [TFO]MidNigHt

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MidNigHt;1399590']Good deal' date=' thanks :) ( no pun intended :p ) ....also ment to add if I had more time, and this might be known, but characters I see in SP or MP all move about like robots. They don't move gracefully like I've seen on in-game videos. Probably due to my FPS but it's a weird problem. Only my character on screen moves with the quality the game intended. Also when in vehicles, or any vehicle for that matter, I tend to lag up quite a bit. Especially when someone or the AI is driving/flying it lags in frames while the game goes on uninterrupted. It's hard to explain other than I lag without the game lagging. It appears that when this happens the vehicle I'm riding in goes invisible and jumps to a random spot to where I was heading, but usually in short jumps. Kinda reminds me of the "Blink" spell for a Mage on World of Warcraft:icon_lol: Don't think it's my connection either. Happens in all servers and in SP.[/quote']

I've noticed the animation issue while looking at infantry far away (maybe 400-500+meters away). It seems when they're far enough they use a more simplified animation system (I guess to save on resources); kind of like how objects use LOD's.

I think the reason you're lagging while driving/flying is because of the streaming engine; which is constantly loading data while you move. So typically the faster you move the more data it has to load, so you might not notice it while on foot. I had this also, until I defragged my HDD with a good defragger (not the one that comes with windows). Try ultimate defrag as it will order the files so they get maximum performance. Ever since doing this my lag has pretty much disappeared.

As for it happening in multiplayer; not sure. Probably some kind of d-sync issue.

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