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How to hide Task from the begining?

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I`m trying to hide some Task from the begining of the mission, they already in briefing.sfg, command objStatus not work anymore since briefing system been changed, so any ideas? And i don`t wanna create task on the go, since there will be a problem when ppl start to JIP...

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Try to write only this in your briefing.sqf

task1 setSimpleTaskDescription["Clear the city...blablabla.","Clear city", "Clear city"];
task1 setSimpleTaskDestination markerpos "NameMarker";

If you wanna make your task visible, then ...

task1 = player createSimpleTask ["Clear city"];

Should work!

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Ok will try

There is issue, you will not get description on just made tusk even if it in a brefing.sqf, you have to run briefing file once again, then you geting double task like "Find Agent' twice, one would be complite another one no, and there will be issue on JIP since player may miss all briefing execution... this way is just alter but not what you actualy have to do... hoppefully BIS working on this issue...

Edited by kolotei

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