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Mods/Missions based on Military fiction/Technothriller books.

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Anyone inspired by Miliatary fiction novels to create missions or mods based on the storyline? Or even ones based on Sci-fi military novels?

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I do- but you couldn't really do a starship troopers addon :P

ODST maybe though... could do Mantis teams from the Sten series, but they'd have to be all human...

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I do- but you couldn't really do a starship troopers addon :P

ODST maybe though... could do Mantis teams from the Sten series, but they'd have to be all human...

I believe ARMA 2 would be the perfect engine for a "serious" military themed science fiction game. I have yet to see any FPS game with a science fiction story that isnt simply Run And Gun.

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I might do Rainbow 6 with the blackops addon, but there just isn't good enough AI...

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I do- but you couldn't really do a starship troopers addon :P

I beg your pardon? SST mod in OFP... got me into editing/modding... thank you very much.

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