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Dedicated vs Local Host scripting

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Hello all,

I have a script that I have been making for my unit. It is a whole training map, but I am having an issue specifically with the rifle range.

Now the rifle range works PERFECTLY fine with the help of some other BIS community members of course... However, it only works perfectly fine when it is Locally hosted by me or by someone else.

When I put the pbo of the map on a dedicated server, the only part of it that works is the chat script that someone gave to allow the use of sideChat in multiplayer and hints and such.

So if someone would be kind enough to explain to me why this is, that would be great... As I cannot understand why the dedicated server would be stopping this from working.

Code if needed...

_l1targets = [l1t1, l1t2, l1t3, l1t4, l1t5, l1t6, l1t7, l1t8, l1t9, l1t10, l1t11, l1t12, l1t13, l1t14, l1t15, l1t16, l1t17, l1t18, l1t19, l1t20, l1t21, l1t22, l1t23, l1t24, l1t25, l1t26, l1t27, l1t28, l1t29, l1t30];

// So that the targets don't pop up by them selves.
nopop 	= 	true;

// Should be 0 but needs to be 1 to make the target count correct.
_l1foo 		= 	1;
// Current Hit count. 
_l1hc 		= 	0;
// Number of targets in the variable... For randomness.
_l1ntargets 	= 	count _l1targets;

// Script

{_x  animate["terc",1]} forEach _l1targets;

nul=["Lane 1 Rifle Range Starting in 5...","side",rangeofficer] execVM "20thSFG Scripts\mp_chat.sqf";
sleep 1;
nul=["Lane 1 Rifle Range Starting in 4...","side",rangeofficer] execVM "20thSFG Scripts\mp_chat.sqf";
sleep 1;
nul=["Lane 1 Rifle Range Starting in 3...","side",rangeofficer] execVM "20thSFG Scripts\mp_chat.sqf";
sleep 1;
nul=["Lane 1 Rifle Range Starting in 2...","side",rangeofficer] execVM "20thSFG Scripts\mp_chat.sqf";
sleep 1;
nul=["Lane 1 Rifle Range Starting in 1...","side",rangeofficer] execVM "20thSFG Scripts\mp_chat.sqf";
sleep 1;
nul=["Lane 1 Rifle Range Active...","side",rangeofficer] execVM "20thSFG Scripts\mp_chat.sqf";

while {_l1foo<21} do {

_l1rnumber = random _l1ntargets-1;
_l1rtarget = _l1targets select _l1rnumber;
_l1rtarget animate["terc", 0];
sleep 3;
if (_l1rtarget animationPhase "terc" > 0.1) then
_l1hc = _l1hc+1;
_l1rtarget animate["terc", 1];
_l1foo = _l1foo + 1;

sleep random 5;
nul=[format["Lane 1 Firing Range Inactive... Final Score: %1/20.", _l1hc],"side",rangeofficer] execVM "20thSFG Scripts\mp_chat.sqf";
sleep 3;
// Reset the targets.
{_x  animate["terc",0]} forEach _l1targets;

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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