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Boat into a Helicopter - please help

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Hello fellow Arma enthusiasts,

In terms of the francise I guess I'm rather new but I feel equally addicted. I've been screwing around in the mission editor every night and perusing these forums for all kinds of tips and scripts that have added a lot of excitment and depth to my missions. For that I would like to thank this community for it's generous support. Currently I've only been creating missions to occupy the time of my close friends every evening, so the lack of functionality and errors have been forgiven but my ideas sometimes cannot get off the ground due to my lack of knowledge. What I'm trying to accomplish now is having a Chinook hover practically in the water with its ramp open to allow the small landing craft to ride inside of it. It then needs an attachTo command to take off which I've pulled off with a radio command so that I can time it myself but it seems rather amateur. I know that it can be done with various height commands and triggers but I have only accomplished this with me flying. Also, how would make this helicopter appear in a given position at the afformentioned height when I get within range to minimize the amount of error i.e. the helicopter getting attacked and peacing out like it does during extraction attempts. Anyway, like I said I have tons of ideas but I can't always make them work so I appreciate everyone's help. Thanks again.

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Welcome to the forums! How you missed the Search Before Posting sticky is beyond me (a search for "chinook water boat" would have given you the main thread link).

It's also a wonder that with such an unbelievably specific concept in mind you both missed the previous thread where we discussed that very idea, complete with code ideas and videos, as well as missing the explanation about how it was done.

But regardless, welcome and enjoy those links I provided. :)

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How embarrasing. Thanks for the support and being gentle. <3

Edited by GroundControl

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To be honest, Jdog's videos are way cool. It's a shame he did the same thing I did once, come up with something neat then accidentally delete it all. :)

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Yeah, I can't even recall how much I've lost through my own error. You should see what a mess my Arma folder is. Since we are here talking, are there any interesting mission ideas you've shared? I'm almost positive there is a section for just ideas but I'm on my iPhone avoiding my fiancé's angry eyes.

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A lot of mission ideas are talked about here, especially how to get the really cool things done. There is a users mission forum and OFPEC has a nice missions depot. Armaholic also keeps missions from players as well.

Most of that I do is just proof of concept or helping others with missions, haven't finished one of my own yet. :)

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To be honest, Jdog's videos are way cool. It's a shame he did the same thing I did once, come up with something neat then accidentally delete it all. :)

Aww thanks :)

I didn't "accidentally" delete them lol... they were simple enough to remember and I just didn't need them to clutter up all my missions/playtest maps.

Seems there's a good desire for an explanation of how to do it though, so I'll make a thread and see about maybe including an example mission of it later tonight.

EDIT: Go here for the scripts http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1389139#post1389139

Edited by JDog
Included link to scripts

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