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What Happens in Dogs of War?

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I got up to the part where I captured Lopotev and awaited for extraction... for an hour... nothing came... *Shift+Minus+Endmission*

Then came the worst video game ending ever, amirite?

So I am left wondering what happens after you capture Lopotev... Can anyone tell me?

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Well my DOW mission is bugged so I can't even start it, let alone complete it, but my guess is that at the end the faulty code melts your hard drive.

Just a guess :P

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Make sure you have ver 1.02, earlier ones have more bugs than a New Jersey swamp! Not to say that 1.02 is bug free, but I found the game to be at least playable. Here is what is supposed to happen next.

You are successfully extracted and are returned to base. At that point you have new orders. Take Lopotev to the Russian border in a truck. Here is where a mission bug might work to your advantage. There will be a cutscene where the SpetzNatz double cross you, but if the bug manafests itself (I have not found the combination of events that cause it) you'll only have 3 enemy troops all clustered together behind a building, they won't move or shoot at you, you can just kill them off, then head back south to finish the mission. If the bug doesn't show up, have Razor team hide under the bridge while you flank the SpetzNatz and kill them one by one. When you go back, you'll get a cutscene in which you'll win the mission, Provided that you have destroyed the base near Msta and taken enough towns.

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