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Any ideas on a more precise trigger?

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I need some help for a more precise trigger. Previously I had triggers that were set off with conditions of "West-Present" so that if the player moved out of the main field of play the enemy would be scripted to find him - basically to ensure that all enemies in the mission were utilised.

It worked fine until I added some air support and my helos buzzing all over the place set off all these triggers and a flood of enemy troops from a number of flag conditions came flooding towards the player (great fun if you were lucky to be armed with the M-60 but even so eventually you run out of ammo)

So what I was wondering is whether there is any other way to set off a trigger but for it to be triggered by the Player rather than just "West"?

I've thought about a constantly running script that measures the distance between a point and the player but that would just chew up resources.

Any ideas appreciated.


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Just press F2 and drag a line from your player unit to

the trigger/s you want to be only activated by the


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if you don't like all the blue lines you will have if you have too many of these then use this condition instead:

unit in thislist

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Thanks for your help, I'll give it a try tonight.


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