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Name tapes

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Is there way to pull texture out of arma2 to and (edit)add stuff like you name tape, bages etc.....I'm was in the Corps for 6 years and would love to have all the stuff added to the unifourms. Thx Vamp

Edited by TBCVAMP

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The best way, as Jenny used to do it, was to work with the custom face texture. Since that texture is very personal it won't effect other units, downside is AI units won't have the personal stuff unless you edit all the stock BIS face textures.

BUT this methode will require that you edit the unit models. You will need to add poly's to the model where you want nametags, badges etc displayed and include them in the face named selection.

Other way would be to use the clan picture..but again you will need to modify the units. Downside on that is, you will have a useless clan picture as you will need to map several items on that picture, so as global clan picture (on tanks, helis, player list etc) it will look bad.

Welcome to the world of limitations :).

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