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Blackout then recieving message during multiplayer

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Does it randomly blackout for anyone during multiplayer then display the flashing word recieving?

This doesnt recieve anything just stays like that. I have to ctrl alt delete to shut the game down and restart.

Is this a big problem?

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You mean, for us ? Or BIS ? ^^

Sorry, was a joke, yes sir, it is a big problem. You're not alone in this case.

I have the receiving screen also in sp game, but in mp, it is worst.

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That's the main problem, not the bug by itself, but the silence...

Should we fear the meaning of this silence ?

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No communication = :mad: pronostics

- 2009 Arma2-> Money -> vacation -> H1N1 -> possible RIP :D

- 2010 Expansion pack -> Money ...

... To be continued :p:p:D

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