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Issues with the save games in campaign

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Hey everyone,

I have a question about how the saving and loading works in the campaign.

The other day I loaded the campaign, continued my progress on the Manhattan level, and completed a few more tasks. My friend decides to join me, so I host a game, load Manhattan and it starts us at the very beginning of the level, not on my last quicksave. So I try to exit as to not srew up my autosave and and autosaves when exiting. So now when I load on my own it starts me at the beginning of the Manhattan level.

I have two questions regarding this. I know there are other save slots because I was using them when I would hit ESC and hit save game. It actually would show me a screen with 10 or so save games. How do I manually load one of those saves? I don't see where to manually load a specific save game?

Also, is it possible to bring in a coop player into my latest quicksave and not just the beginning of the level?


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If you escape and then select "Revert" this should give you the slot list and you can pick the one to load via date ref.

I cant answer the MP question though.

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This may be the long way round but if you save the game save files at stage you want to save and insert these savegame files as you want you are good to go at the same place in the mission.

I got through the campaign of this game using the endmission cheat and have multiple copies of the savegame files so I can go back to missions where I want to at the good bits.

Long way round LOL

I always keep copies of savegame files of all games

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If you escape and then select "Revert" this should give you the slot list and you can pick the one to load via date ref.

I cant answer the MP question though.

Yeah I tried that. It just seems to want me to start at the beginning again. I never get a choice to choose the savegame to load.

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