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FlyinHeight stupid chopper!!!!!

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Hi...i dont understand why that just wount work.

i set up flying chopper,if i type in "name flyinHeight 500" he goes to 500 but if he hits the next wp it just goes back again to the flightheight he started...

For sure i tried to type it in the waypoints too,then it just stands in the air.

I also tried "Heli1 setPos [(getPos this select 0), (getPos this select 1),550];

which works,but if it hits the next WP...down down down...

how can i make it fly constantly in height with wps,this little things are soo annoying rippers of time..Thx for help..!

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i tried that not working......:(

i allready searched for more infos but again it looks like that problem doesnt exist....omw.i hope mr.murray relesing guideII soon

got other ideas?thx

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You dont have to give the heli a name or put it in the waypoint,,just put this in the init line of the chopper

this flyinheight 100 or whatever height you want.It will stay at this height all the time.

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